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800 WRIGHT AVE   POB 2066   GREENWOOD, SC 29646-0066   TELEPHONE: (864) 227 - 2963
Our Trophy Case

Mathews United Methodist Church On-line takes a great deal of pride in what we do as representatives of Jesus Christ and hope that the positive recognition this site receives will be counted as an honor to him. We thank those who have taken the time to evaluate this site for coding, design, and content; and we appreciate their positive comments and the awards they have given us.  All copyright for Awards won, and any membership graphics displayed on this site, belong to their respective organizations/awards programs.

*** Independent Awards ***

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Rank1.Com "Best Christian Website" Award

Greetings in Christ !


I was greatly moved when I went to your page and the first thing I (had) seen was a Picture of the Word "The Holy Bible."  Chills ran up my spine as I was refreshed in the spirit. Both you and I know He needs no introduction, however He deserves every one we give Him ! Praise Jesus !

You have been awarded the "Best Christian Website" award by Ranks1.com

In His Holy name,

David - Ranks1.com

July 6, 2006

Baywood Pets Gold Award

Hello Dale!


Thank you ever so much for inviting us to your site.  First we must say how professional your website looks, you have done a fantastic job!  Secondly we found your website to be spiritually enlightening.
Luke Ch 11 - V 33
"No one lights a lamp and then hides it or puts it under a basket. Instead, it is put on a lampstand to give light to all who enter the room."
What a fantastic light you website is to the internet.  It is our pleasure to award you our Gold award which is attached to this email.
Best Regards
Anita & Margaret @ Baywood Pets
July 6, 2006

--- Top of Page ---

Coxsoft Art Silver Surfer Friendly Award

Dear Dale
Congratulations. You've won the Coxsoft Art Silver Surfer Friendly Award for one of the most user-friendly websites I've seen. Excellent layout, perfect font, attractive graphics and, on the whole, excellent use of ALT tags.  From a psychological point of view, I also appreciated the sense of community your website engenders, with every person making an important contribution. (I didn't notice the Church Janitor, but I didn't search thoroughly.)  Also, I enjoyed your Church Humour Page.  If it's okay by you, I will direct my readers to that page, because it will amuse Christians, Jews and atheists raised in the Christian faith. (We're not all Methodists out here.)

Your collection of awards is really impressive, so I'm very glad that I can add my award to it. Here are the 3 avatars to choose from. They take up only 1Kb or 2Kb. 

By the way, you're the first person to request assessment for my award, which is newly set up. The winners so far are all websites I have chosen to include.
Yours sincerely
Ian Cox
You can also reach me through my award-winning website:
July 6, 2006

Conny's Patches Gold Award

CONGRATULATIONS on a very professional website.

Your web site has been reviewed and deemed worthy of the Conny´s Patches Gold Award.

I reviewed your site recently and you have done a great job.  Keep up the good work! I enjoyed viewing it.  I will place your name on the List of Winners

Please keep this communication as evidence of your authorization to display this award

Regards from Sweden and God Bless You

Conny Rönndahl
Webmaster of Conny´s Patches

Mathews United Methodist Church On-line gives a big THANK YOU to Conny Rondahl of Conny's Patches for this wonderful GOLD website award
July 7, 2006
Site Currently Off-line

Cunningham Award of Excellence


You have won the Cunningham Award of Excellence.  First let me apologize for taking so long!  I usually get to these quicker, but with a 12 year old, and summer vacation....well you know the story!  Anyway, I loved your site.  It is very professional.  I loved the menu at the top with drop down.  The site is very pleasing to the eye, and easy to navigate.  You should be very proud of it.

Please accept our award, and keep up the good work, you have an excellent website!

I am also a participant in the UWSAG SOA nominee program, and I will submit the info for your website accordingly, and cast a vote. 

Lynn Cunningham

webmaster / Cunningham Family Website

July 7, 2006

The Crystal Ribbon Gold Award

Hi Dale,

Your site has been visited and below you will find the outcome of the judges decision.

1)  Technical: Very good use of technology including, scripting, flash, HTML etc.

2)  Content: Site content is informative and entertaining to the visitor. The content is free from spelling and grammatical errors. Content is presented in a logical format.

3)  Navigation: The site navigation is intuitive. The navigation is on every page, so as to eliminate use of the browser Back button. It is not possible for the user to become confused in navigating the site.

4)  Graphic: The site graphics are pleasing to the eye. The graphics are sufficiently optimized to allow for fast loading of the pages. The graphics do not overwhelm the site, at the expense of the site content. They enhance and complement the site's content.

5)  Overall Appeal: Mathews United Methodist Church On-line site adds value to the Internet. This is a site visitors would want to visit again. The webmaster should be pleased with the work that has gone into putting this site together. In our opinion Mathews United Methodist Church On-line should be awarded the Crystal Ribbon Gold Award.

Please find attached your well deserved award, also note that you will be visited again at the end of the month ( 31/07/2006) so our sponsors can evaluate your site for the Global Award. If you win this award you will be given another award graphic and also be sent through the post a Certificate, this is free for Global Award winners only.

Well done.


July 7, 2006

--- Top of Page ---

Golden WebPage Award

Congratulation for creating an award winning website. I visited your website and found it to be outstanding in appearance and in content. Your effort to improve the wonder of the Internet is clearly reflected on each page. Please continue to move ahead with your talents.

Please accept the attached Golden WebPage Award.

May God bless you and your...


George P. Crofton, MSgt, USAF Retired


July 8, 2006

David's Place Theme's "Excellent Site Award"

Congratulations !!
Your Website Has Been Selected To Win a David's Award Program Award.  You Have a Wonderful Website and I have enjoyed my Visit!   Thank You !!  Here is the Excellent Site Award.  Keep up the good work and make the net a better place ;-)
David's Place Themes/David's Awards Program
http://www.davidsplacethemes.com/   http://home.earthlink.net/~davidsawardsprogram
Butte/Dilllon Head Start, http://home.earthlink.net/~buttedillonheadstart/
GID Award Team Judge, http://www.sanmiguelnow.com/award/award.htm
July 9, 2006

--- Top of Page ---

PrimeSiteUK Silver Award


PrimeSiteUK.Com is pleased to announce your site has been reviewed and have pleasure in awarding you our Silver Award.

All websites submitted are judged on content, functionality, graphics and usefulness to the general public. We spend a lot of time reviewing sites and not all make the grade.  You have done a great job, you deserve the award.

Congratulations again and keep up the good work!

Best Regards,
Awards Team
The PrimeSiteUK.Com Award Team!
July 11, 2006

World Wide Web Award


We are very happy to tell you, that we find your site to be a worthy recipient of our World Wide Web Award 2006.  We must say that you have done a very nice work, so we are proud to present you with this Award.  Keep up the good work, and keep inspiring webmasters of the future.  

Best regards

The WWWA Team

July 11, 2006

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Mathews United Methodist Church Indentification Strip



If you find inaccuracies or incomplete information, don't find what you were looking for, or would simply like to say hello; e-mail any comments, corrections or updates to our   Your help is sincerely appreciated in making this web site a valuable tool for the members of the congregation, our visitors, and always a testimony to our Lord and Savior - Jesus Christ. The content of these pages is the sole responsibility of Mathews United Methodist Church. Thank you!

If you have any questions, problems, or suggestions --- please do not hesitate to contact the WebSteward (webmaster) using the hyper-link to the left or by clicking on this graphic image.  


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