Mathews United Methodist Church On-line's Header: Wording: Mathews United Methodist Church

Mathews United Methodist Church On-line's Header collage

800 WRIGHT AVE   POB 2066   GREENWOOD, SC 29646-0066   TELEPHONE: (864) 227 - 2963

Mathews United Methodist Church On-line's Trophy Case

Mathews United Methodist Church On-line takes a great deal of pride in what we do as representatives of Jesus Christ and hope that the positive recognition this site receives will be counted as an honor to him. We thank those who have taken the time to evaluate this site for coding, design, and content; and we appreciate their positive comments and the awards they have given us.   ** Denotes Awards Program has been granted World's Top Award (WTA) honor!  All copyright for Awards won, and any membership graphics displayed on this site, belong to their respective organizations/awards programs.

*** AS! 4.5 Rated Awards ***
The following Award Programs have been given a 4.5 rating by Award Sites! --- Award Sites! is the first web / internet award rating service and now is considered the premiere rating service.  Award Sites! has never lost its focus on "Bettering The Net By Striving For Excellence".  Image (c) Award Sites! and is used with permission.

| 5.0 / 5.0+ | 4.5 | 4.0 | 3.5 | 3.0 | 2.5 |

| AS! Rated Awards | Awards Index | Website Awards Nominee Page |


The Adagio Silver Award - RETIRED

Hello Dale,
Thank you for applying to The Adagio Awards. It is my pleasure to tell you that your web site has won the Adagio Silver Award for Web Site Design.
This is an extremely difficult award to win and you should be proud of your work. Your use of colors and layout is very well done indeed.

Again, congratulations, and have a wonderful day!
Best Regards,
Michele Howard
The Adagio Awards
AS! 4.5

Awards Program Is Now Retired

Oh, wow! Thanks Michele for this stunning award! We, at Mathews UMC On-line really do appreciate your awarding of this terrific achievement to our church's website!!!
Aug 27, 2004

The Rose Awards - RETIRED

Dear Dale,

I have completed review of your website and I am pleased to offer you the Rose Silver Award.

Thank you for allowing me to enter into your world -- I enjoyed reading about Mathews UMC, the staff, the activities, and the outreach opportunities offered by your church .... In a world  where "political correctness" takes the front seat in America, it's great to see people who stand up for Christ -- people who aren't ashamed of the Gospel, and who don't mind telling the  world that "Jesus IS the answer" !

Your site is also well-designed, easy to navigate, shows great choices in colors/fonts/graphics, has informative & interesting  content, and, it offers Net viewers the opportunity to learn about more about your church -- and more about Christ !

Keep up the great work, Dale :-)

Congratulations !!


Donna O'Smollain-MacDhadhoc
The Rose Awards -- AS! 4.5, APEX/CEMA member

Awards Program Is Now Retired

The Mathews United Methodist Church On-line Web Ministry team appreciates this truly wonderful website award bestowed upon our humble church website by Donna O'Smollain-MacDhadhoc at The Rose Awards Website Awards Program! Thanks Donna!
Sep 7, 2004

2005 American Association of WEBMASTERS Gold Award

The American Association Of Webmasters Awards are primarily designed to supply formal recognition to webmasters and designers who have shown outstanding achievement in web design, content and creativity.
Congratulations! Your site at: United Methodist Church On-line, has been selected to receive The American Association Of Webmasters, "Gold" Award. 
Congratulations once again on a wonderful website and contributing interesting content to the World Wide Web  We wish you all the best.
Donna Snyder - CEO
Awards Committee - American Association Of Webmasters
Rated With AS! 4.0 - World's Choice Award
Listed In "The Webmasters Guide To Glory"
Certified With - National Computer Science Academy
CEO of - The World Wide Web Awards™
WWW Awards - Member of The Better Business Bureau
Jan 16, 2005


--- Top of Page ---

Treasures of The Web (TOTW) Award - RETIRED


We have now finished our evaluation of your site and are pleased to award you our Treasures Of The Web SILVER Award which is attached.  It is apparent that much time and hard work has gone into your site.  I also do my church website and it's a joy to see these type sites in my evaluations.  Your navigation is very good and the site is very pleasing to the eye.

While it is never a requirement at Treasures Of The Web that you link your award back to us, that is at your own discretion; we would like to hear from you that you received it so that we may add you to our winner's listings. 


Vicki Reece ~ Founder
Treasures Of The Web
AS! 4.5
WebsAwards 10 Sup*

Awards Program Is Now Retired

The Mathews United Methodist Church On-line Web Ministry would personally like to thank Vicki Reese, of Treasures of The Web for this FANTASTIC website award! Thanks "Treasure" for THIS SILVER treasure ...
Nov 3, 2004

JerryD's Site Award

Hi and Congratulations! Your site, Mathews United Methodist Church On-line  has been accepted as a winner of JerryD's Bronze Award, Rated AS! 4.5. We were impressed with your site as a great contribution to the internet. Your site has nice graphics and wonderful navigation. Our awards are not easy to win so keep up the great work.
Congratulations! again and have a nice day.
Best Regards
JerryD's Site
Award Sites! Rated AS! 4.5
Compliance Validation W3C
Listed in Beelines-Guide to Glory!
TOTW™ Certified Evaluator
Mar 26, 2005

--- Top of Page ---

Treasures of The Web (TOTW) Award (upgraded award) - RETIRED


You have definitely earned the TOTW GOLD Award which is attached!!!!

Great job with your church site!  It's obvious that your God and your church are huge priorities in your life and we can see that you pour your heart and soul into both.  The site is not only full of eye appeal ... it is well built ... easy to navigate .... a site that Matthews United Methodist Church can be proud of!

While it is never a requirement that the award be linked back to us .... that is at your own discretion .... please let us know that you have received it so that we may add you to our 2005 GOLD Winner's page!

Congratulations, Dale ... an award well earned !!!!
Vicki Reece ~ Founder
Treasures Of The Web
AS! 4.5

Awards Program Is Now Retired

Mathews United Methodist Church On-line would like to thank Vicki Reece (aka TREASURE) and her external website awards evaluation team for presenting the highest award in the TOTW AP (GOLD) to our humble church website.  We thank you Vicki for the very kind remarks and encouragement you have shown to the WebSteward and the on-going development process of this website! God Bless!
Apr 9, 2005

Fun Tyme Entertainment Awards

The Fun Tyme Entertainment Awards Program  salutes your dedication and congratulates you on being a winner of our Silver Award

Our awards are not easy to obtain at any level and  to win our award is a great achievement. You being a winner shows that you have put the effort needed into your site and have made it an asset to the www.
Sandra Gerbers
 Fun Tyme Entertainment Awards Program

WebsAwards 4
I.W.A.R.A. Elite 5+
Olymp Award Index 3
Apr 11, 2005

--- Top of Page ---

It's Wishcraft !!! Awards

Hi Dale,

I decided to give you my Warm Heart Award, because of what your church and your site stands for. It is a special award, only given to special people or special sites.  ConCATulations, and keep up the great work !!!

Many greetings,
It's Wishcraft !!! Awards
AS! 4.0
WA 4
May 12, 2005

The Southern Nytes Award of Elegance - RETIRED

Congratulations    !!!
Your site--Mathews United Methodist Church On-line, has been chosen as a winner of The Southern Nytes Award of Elegance.  It was a pleasure to visit your site.  I am impressed.  The Award is being sent as an attachment.  All awards are inscribed with the homepage name that you provided. There is only one Southern Nytes Award.  We do not give Bronze, Silver, Gold, etc.  Your site has to be exceptional to win this award. Your Site will be listed as a winner on the winners page for this month.

AS--4.5/IWARA-Elite 5+/WA-4/APIRS-4

My warmest regards,

June 17, 2006

--- Top of Page ---

JerryD's Site Award (upgraded award)

Hi and Congratulations!

Your site - Mathews United Methodist Church On-line - has been accepted as a winner of JerryD's Silver Award, Rated AS! 4.5. We were impressed with your site as a great contribution to the internet. Your site has nice graphics and wonderful navigation. Our awards are not easy to win so keep up the great work. We hope you accept our award and link back to our site, it is not a requirement, but will be appreciated.

Congratulations! again and have a nice day.

JerryD's Site
Award Sites! Rated AS! 4.5
Compliance Validation W3C
I.W.A.R.A. Rated Elite 5+
Member APEX,
Listed in Beelines-Guide to Glory!,
I.W.A.R.A. Certified Evaluator,
TOTW™ Certified Evaluator,

June 23, 2006

Ruth's Haven Silver Award - RETIRED

Hello Dale

Congratulations.  Your site has been successful in gaining the Ruth's Haven Silver Award. The evaluators found your site to be very impressive. We all felt that the site was an invaluable asset to the members of the church as well as a great source of information to others.  We were also very impressed with the ability to search the scriptures via your site. A job Well Done.

Have a nice Day!

Ruth a.k.a. Angel
Ruth's Haven
Ruth's Haven Award Program
AS rated 4.5
Webs Awards rated 4
UWSAG rated 5.0
Olymp Award Index rated 4
I.W.A.R.A. rated Elite 5+
APIRS rated 4, +5 Honoured
CEM/CEMA full member (Closed)
WWWEC Staff (Applications Panel)
APEX Member (Compliance Committee)
Evaluator for UWSAG Award Index, APIRS Award Index, Witheridge Awards, Korea Awards, Keepsake Awards,  and the Rhi-Wards Awards Program
July 1, 2006

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| 5.0 / 5.0+ | 4.5 | 4.0 | 3.5 | 3.0 | 2.5 |

| AS! Rated Awards | Awards Index | Website Awards Nominee Page |
Mathews United Methodist Church Indentification Strip



If you find inaccuracies or incomplete information, don't find what you were looking for, or would simply like to say hello; e-mail any comments, corrections or updates to our   Your help is sincerely appreciated in making this web site a valuable tool for the members of the congregation, our visitors, and always a testimony to our Lord and Savior - Jesus Christ. The content of these pages is the sole responsibility of Mathews United Methodist Church. Thank you!

If you have any questions, problems, or suggestions --- please do not hesitate to contact the WebSteward (webmaster) using the hyper-link to the left or by clicking on this graphic image.  


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